About The Poetry Federation

Poetry in various forms, mostly free-form, that takes any bit of inspiration that comes to mind and transforms it into work whose origin point was a flash of anything seen on Notes. Poems will range from personal to simple observations, from my life perspective to random epiphanies that come to me when responding to other work.

There are many letters and even many more ways to spin a poem—even when you’re saying something plenty of others have waxed philosophical poetics about, you can still do it in your own style that stands out and reflects you perfectly.

Who is Daniel Henderson?

Baltimore City, Maryland: born, raised, and living. A creative writer whose main poison of choice is poetry that reflects the lived experience of one who won’t stop trying to capture the entire world in a snapshot of free-form, metaphors, and everything nice people complain about modern poets doing.

A deeper dive you’ll find scattered amongst my various works. I promise it’s of the few jigsaw puzzles still worth doing in this day and age.

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Free post will be archived after nine weeks so there’s a good enough period of time to check out some of my older stuff to get a sense of my body of work and the kinds of poems you’ll be getting!

The Poetry Federation is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

If you really enjoy my work and want to help me keep the lights on! Please consider a paid subscription or pledge! It’d mean the world to me.

Paid subscribers get to:

  • Suggest topics for Friday poems

  • Vote on a poem you’d like to see me mimic.

  • Recommend writing exercises for poems that will challenge me in a way that you think will be helpful.

  • Demand different poetry forms you’d like to see me thrive (or struggle) in.

  • Pretty much have a good amount of control over what I will publish Fridays— except creatively of course, I have to take some liberties.

  • Have access to all paywall post and the archive.

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The Schedule

New poems are published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Approximately 11:00AM US EST. Every week. So at minimum, three poems a week.

Tuesdays and Thursdays will be where I’m writing to churn out these beautiful vignettes of poetry for my lovely readers and where I’ll be reading and responding to some of my favorite writers on substack!

Republished post will come exclusively from the paywall archive on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after The Poetry Foundations gains a good amount more subscribers and or followers to introduce old post to new sets of eyes or if I’m not feeling well and may not be able to publish something new on time. I’ll always post the date in the subtitle when the republished content was originally published to distinguish the post from content that’s new and republished.

Pinkie promise 🤙🏾

This is a change for myself and my readers. As to keep the amount of emails I’ll be sending out at a maximum of three poems a week and to not clog your inbox as some have a readership list in the hundreds.

Saturday will be for catching up on reading, commenting, mixing it up together on the Notes app if we so happen to run into each other—if the algorithm allows for it.

Sunday will be the day paid subscribers get me all to themselves. I’ll be responding to paid subscribers suggestions for next week’s Friday poem.

In-between writing breaks I’ll take some time to respond to feedback and other comments. If I take a few days to respond, I promise I’m not ignoring you, I’ve just let the notifications build up too much and will take some time getting to you.

Join the Federation

Be part of a community of people who share your interests in poetry that delves into the philosophical, cultural, and scratches above the political. Participate in the comments section or support this work with a subscription.

Comments are always appreciated and welcome! Even if you’re just popping in to say: I really like this, thanks. Constructive feedback especially. Whether it’s a question about something in the poem, what you would have done, or even a problem you have with the word choice in one area, I always look forward to comments and engaging with them.

Not every one of your comment has to be this introspective thought-provoking zinger that may or may not inspire my next poem. Just you reading and responding to my work is really humbling and gives me the confidence boost I need to continue to do this.

The Poetry Federation is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Poetry on events past, present, and whatever is flying at the seat of the imagination with inspiration in the passenger. Experimental musings on the philosophical and surreal on what's already been said and seen because you never run out of words.


Poet, Non-fiction writer, and casual armchair political observer.