Beautiful and painful. "clear oxygen/ fighting for a place in line" is such a perfect ending.

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Thank you for your comment Margaret. Very happy that line stood out.

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Wow hugely powerful.

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Thanks David!

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May 25Liked by Daniel Henderson

So evocative--what a control over language and the emotions and narrative it weaves. Beautiful work here, Daniel!

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Thank you Bethel! Your comment means alot. I usually struggle with narrative, even in short form such as poetry, happy I was able to weave something you found beautiful!

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May 27Liked by Daniel Henderson


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"I see stubble cigars in the ashtray"

Camel straights took my father. I was 16. Thanks for offering this connection today, Daniel. I appreciate your work.

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I'm sorry to hear that Mary. I'm happy I was able to provide a space for you to share this and it's your support that made me comfortable enough to share this. Thank you again for your comments as always.

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That final line “clear oxygen

fighting for a place in line” did me in, Daniel, the finality of it—also made me glad I quit smoking. Well done, Daniel!

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May 27·edited May 27Author

Thanks Paul! This is such high praise coming from you that you don't even know how much it means to me. I definitely spent the longest time on that ending line so I'm happy it hit the mark. Also congratulations on quitting! I know it wasn't easy.

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May 24Liked by Daniel Henderson

Wow...this is well crafted. I loved the way it sounded as I read it aloud. The shape is also gorgeous. I also just enjoyed the ride it took me on. So many twists and turns! Keep it up.

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Thanks Mike! Spent a while on the form and enjambments so I'm happy the final product resonated with you so much.

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