I misread it as "The earth is on her phone" and now I feel inspired to do something based off that and I don't know what šŸ˜‚

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Like not on the phone as in "she's calling us" but as in doom scrolling through Instagram šŸ˜‚

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Jun 16Ā·edited Jun 16Author

I didn't even consider it from a more technological aspect. I think that's a good angle to tackle it from! I got caught up in how literal the picture was so I only focused on old classical regular phones lol. The earth doom scrolling social media is a great idea. I think you could do much more with it.

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Jun 14Liked by Daniel Henderson

Fantastic. So glad your symptoms are subsiding!

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So am I Mike! Probably the fastest I've bounced back from a sickness.

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Jun 14Liked by Daniel Henderson

I remember that one. I liked it back in April, I still like it today!!!

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Thank you Fotini!

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Glad you're getting better!

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Thank you Mary.

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Ugh, you have had more than your fair share of illnesses lately, Daniel! I hope your recovery is swift. Also, this poem is so good.

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Thank you much Margaret. Crossing my fingers I've punched in my illness cards for the rest of the year.

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